Eat Only Raw Foods
Principles of the Searchless Raw Diet (page 28)
The basic diet is (in the
general case) the diet that most fully and consistently meets all the
requirements for right diet (or the "minimum optimum", and, as a
general daily rule, consistently pure and purifying, rebalancing, and
rejuvenative diet) I herein Indicate. That diet (the healthful virtues
of which have been fully "experientially" Confirmed by Me, as well as
by tradition, and by "modern" research and experimentation) is the raw
fructo-vegetarian diet--consisting totally of
raw (or uncooked, or
unfired, and, thus, entirely living) foods.
basic (or "minimum optimum") diet consists principally of greens and
fruits, together with seeds, nuts, sprouts, grasses, and other
vegetables.To the maximum extent possible, all raw living foods should
be locally grown (or, if imported, not adulterated in travel),
pesticide-free, grown in a sustainable manner, not genetically modified
or irradiated, and entirely non-toxic.
the case of this by-Me-Given dietary discipline, foods are taken in
solid or liquid or blended forms (except during fasts, or during any
period in which an exclusively juiced liquid fruit, or liquid
vegetable, or liquid fruit-and-vegetable diet is preferred), and food
is always to be taken only in moderate amounts, using vitamins or other
supplements only if (rightly) medically so advised.
the relatively rare occasions when a caffeine-containing
psycho-physical stimulant is rightly and truly required, for either
functional or medicinal reasons, either green tea, or white tea, or,
more rarely, pu-erh tea--all of which are generally regarded to have
non-toxic properties--may be taken. Because of their rather
aggressively toxic properties, neither black tea nor oolong tea nor
coffee should, as a general rule, be taken.
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