Balancing Fruit and Vegetable Meals
Principles of the Searchless Raw Diet (pages 31-32)
Through alternating fruit
and vegetable meals, find a balance of fruits and vegetables that works
based on individual sensitivity.
the raw fructo-vegetarian dietary
I have Given, each meal should generally consist either of sweet fruits
or of vegetables
(including seed-bearing vegetables, or "vegetable fruits"). The
choice of which type of meal to eat on any particular occasion or at
any particular time of day, as well as which specific fruits or
vegetables are optimal for the individual, is a matter that must be
determined by sensitivity to the body's signs.
meals may consist either of a single fruit or of a variety of
fruits--such as apples, pears, berries, cherries, bananas, tropical
fruits, and so on. Fruit
meals may also consist of melons or citrus fruits, either of which
should generally be taken alone, for optimum digestibility.
Vegetable meals consist principally of seed-bearing vegetables (or
"vegetable fruits", such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, bell
peppers, and so on), together with lettuces and other greens--with
smaller quantities of stem vegetables (such as celery or asparagus),
and root vegetables (such as carrots, beets, and jicama).
meals generally should not include either tuberous (and excessively
starchy) vegetables (such as potatoes and yams) or the pungent (and
inter-brain-blocking bulb vegetables (such as onions, garlic, and
"Vegetable fruits" may also be included in a fruit meal.
type of
meal may include sprouts and (in moderate quantity) seeds. Nuts are
best combined with vegetable meals, or (otherwise) taken alone.
As a general rule, fatty foods (including seeds, nuts, and avocados)
would be minimized to approximately ten percent of daily caloric
intake. (For most optimum absorption of nutrients and digestibility,
seeds and nuts may be taken in soaked form.)
Through the alternation of fruit meals and vegetable meals (in
the by-Me-Given raw fructo-vegetarian dietary practice), there should,
in the case of most individuals, be a generally equal balance between
fruits and vegetables. Such is a basic, straightforward, and typical
approach--although some individuals may find that it is optimal to
adopt an almost
exclusively fruitarian approach to meals (apart from the greens and
vegetables taken in "green drinks"). When the raw fructo-vegetarian
diet is rightly applied, the body should
be consistently energized, but not in a stressful manner. Thus, the
feeling of
energized well-being is the day to day measure by which the individual
should choose between fruit meals and vegetable meals.
imbalance of any particular type of food in the diet may have
enervating or toxifying
effects in the body. For example, an excess of sweet fruits can be
purifying and create enervation in the body, whereas an excess of nuts
or seeds can
create signs of toxicity in the body. Therefore, it is important for
individual to balance the amounts of (primarily) fruits and greens, as
well as
(secondarily) seeds, nuts, and other vegetables, based on sensitivity
to the body's signs from day to day--rather than attempt to hold to any
absolute measure (or prescribed formula) of balance between the
different types
of raw foods.
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