The Right-Life Discipline of Searchless
Raw Diet and Fasting
Discourses on the Searchless Raw Diet (pages 55-56)
The searchless raw diet is a
basic right-life discipline in the Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiradam.
Therefore, that dietary discipline has a specific purpose, and a
specific basis for determining the effectiveness of the discipline.
dietary practice that I have Given My devotees is a raw-food diet.
Apart from certain physical factors that may make a diet of exclusively
raw food impractical in rare cases, the principle of the dietary
discipline is that once the body is in a purified and balanced
condition, then only food is taken that is necessary to sustain the
body in its well-being and healthfulness. If you will observe that
principle, then you will constantly be addressing all of the "self"-indulgent preferences of the
body-mind-"self" that result in
toxicity and imbalance, and you will practice a diet of raw food.
common tendency relative to all aspects of ordinary life is not only to
exercise egoic habits but to constantly reinforce in oneself and in
others the principle of social "good feeling" as a
solution to the
stress of life. People are always encouraging one another, with their
conventional social messages, to re-enter the play of social relations,
because they feel it to be the right arrangement of life. Relative to
diet, people commonly influence one another in all kinds of ways to
embrace habits of taking things into the body. Thus, diet becomes a
social practice to achieve social pleasure, ultimately to pleasurize
the body for its own sake.
who would practice the Reality-Way of Adidam might likewise achieve a
mediocre resolution of diet in order to justify all kinds of habits of "self"-indulgence, with the justification that, as
long the diet is
vegetarian and the person is not grossly overeating, he or she is
practicing a version of the dietary discipline I have Given. It is
simply not true. The glorification of the social ego to itself has
nothing to do with the Reality-Way of Adidam. Nor is the practice of
diet in the Reality-Way of Adidam merely idealistically vegetarian. All
of that is simply a "lifestyle cop-out", a
short-term diversion. The
practice of diet I have Given is the intensive purifying and balancing
of the body through maintaining a strict diet that supplies the body
only the food that it requires for a continued pure and balanced state
of physical well-being--meaning a body that has vitality and
that has
been made strong.
principle of purifying and balancing the body, and keeping it in a
purified and balanced state of well-being, is the basis for any
nourishing of the body for the sake of its vitality. To abandon the
pure and balanced bodily state and adhere to an idealized dietary
practice is not to practice the dietary discipline that I have Given.
You must first bring the body into a state of balance by correcting old
habits and purifying the body of the results of old habits. Such
purification includes fasting. When the body has achieved a purified
and balanced state, then what is the dietary practice that sustains its
vital well-being? That practice is a raw diet.
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