Introduction by Daniel Bouwmeester, MD
Daniel Bouwmeester, M.D.,
has studied and practiced the Teachings of Adi Da Samraj for over 35
years and is one of the original members of the health clinic founded
by Adi Da.
he Discourses in this book were freely spoken by His Divine Presence
Ruchira Avatar Adi Da Samraj in March and April of 2008, in a setting
most appropriate to their theme. In a secluded stretch of Adi Da
Samrajashram (the Fijian Island of Naitauba), Avatar Adi Da has
established a forest hermitage known as "Lion's Lap". This beautiful
environment is embraced by the canopy of green branches and leaves of
the ancient, great trees overhead, and grasses and multi-colored
flowers blanket the ground. In
this pristine domain, the deep, silent Radiance of Adi Da's Blessing
and Divine State is profoundly felt, Pervading everything and yet Prior
to the body and the mind. It was in this circumstance that Avatar Adi
Da was spontaneously moved to speak of lawful accord with the "green
Adi Da has long been an advocate of the raw diet (a
diet based on the principle of eating foods only in their "raw", or
uncooked, state). He is clear that it is the right and lawful diet for
most, if not all, human beings. Avatar
Adi Da first communicated about the searchless approach to diet in The
Eating Gorilla
Comes In
Peace (first printed in 1979) and He fully
outlined and elaborated a raw dietary approach in Raw Gorilla (first
printed in 1982). He has consistently communicated that, after an
appropriate period of adaptation, the raw diet is the right and lawful
diet for humankind.
Because of the Prior Nature of His Divine
Condition, Avatar Adi Da is thoroughly experienced with what works for
the body in its conformity and service to the Living Reality.
Furthermore, He is sensitive to and eloquently critical of all the
pitfalls, misinformation, hype, and seeking communicated everywhere,
including in the "movement" associated with raw food.
the publication of Raw
Gorilla in the early 1980s, the raw food
movement has grown from being a "fringe" dietary approach (generally
unknown or at best suspicious) to becoming more acceptable--almost
mainstream. Raw food restaurants are proliferating in major cities. Raw
food advocates are positively received on TV talk shows or in the
media--and their presentations and books are easily found on the
internet. Some celebrities will not travel without their raw food chef!
food advocates, in their attempt to be heard, have amassed a large
body of scientific and empirical support for the validity of the raw
food dietary approach. Many books and websites intelligently outline
the scientific and practical basis for the raw diet and give
testimonials not only for the usefulness of raw diet in helping to
correct health conditions but also as a way to maintain optimum health
and vitality. Old fears (of becoming emaciated or osteoporotic) and
misinformation about the raw diet (such as the diet being deficient in
protein and vitamin B12) have been addressed, encouraging many to make
the transition to a totally or maximally raw diet.
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